fla$h mob


Creative  Association CAT
invite everybody to participate in the financial FLA$H-MOB

The conceptual reaction reaction to the MONSTRATION consisted in the imposing
a fine on some participants of the mass self- expression. Authorities have interpreted artistic event as violation of law. Nothing can prevent us from interpreting this punishment as the ground for artistic expression, study and development.
On 15 May, Saturday, in the central branch of the Provident Bank of the Russian Federation a provocation of authority performance will take place: we are going to pay a penalty in copecks (coins).

Let  every participant bring coins of small denomination: less than 50 cop. (the less-the better) in the number he expects to be enough (the more-the better). We take them together and pay a penalty.
произойдет провокация перформанса власти:
мы заплатим штраф копейками

Place and location:
15 May (Saturday), at 3 p.m. Picture gallery (free entrance) outside Sverdlova.



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